ZŠ Pečky
Základní škola Pečky,okres Kolín

English Corner

Školní rok 2019 -  2020 

ENGLISH CORNER number 1 -  November 2019

  • Žáci  IX. ABC se připravují na studium na středních školách a na zvládání testovacích úloh v jazykové úrovni B1.
  • Následující práce je založena na četbě čínského příběhu. 

 Li Na and the emperor

  This story was about Li Na who was a calligrapher. Li Na had an apprentice called San Li. A calligraphy is an art when someone is describing feelings or emotions by a paint brush. One day an emperor came to Li Na and he wanted her to express the greatness and power of his empire. She didn’t know what to imagine behind these words. She has never been in the empire before. It took her so long. Every time the emperor’s servant came to Li Na she told him that she couldn´t express the greatness and power of the empire when she hadn´t experienced it. So the servant was always bringing her objects from the empire to help her. It was a so long time so the emperor decided to come to Li Na by himself. When she saw the emperor’s behaviour she finally realized how to imagine the empire. Her painting was so dark, cruel and icy. The emperor was so sad. He didn’t realize that he’s too cruel and mean. After this he changed a lot and he was like that never again.

And where was the problem?

The problem was that Li Na couldn’t express those emotions because she has never felt them. It was nice that the emperor said that the empire was great, powerful and wealthy but she had to experience it first. It couldn’t be without that. Some objects were still brought to her to feel something from them but it wasn’t enough. There was still nothing on the paper.


   Li Na had to experience something about the empire and objects weren’t enough for that.The emperor came for the painting by himself and thanks his behaviour the calligrapher felt and “experienced“ the empire. It wasn’t nice or kind and Li Na quickly found out that. So she drew what she saw. The emperor was totally shocked. Too many bad emotions in one painting. And it was all just about his empire.

The ending

   The story had a good ending because the emperor changed to better. I think that it’s nice that the emperor came to Li Na because if he wouldn’t he would have never changed. I understand that Li Na couldn’t realize the calligraphy. “Talking through the paint brush“ can’t be easy.

Minaříková Klára IX. B

Školní rok 2018 -  2019

  • Redakční rada (RR) při ZŠ Pečky pro školní rok 2018-2019 bude pracovat ve složení: Evelína Kozáková, Eliška Karafiátová, Matěj Fraško, Tereza Trnková

9th grade (and classmates)   

ENGLISH CORNER number 1 - September - October 2018

Se žáky devátých ročníků jsme zpracovali projekt o T.G. Masarykovi. Dva měsíce jsme v anglické konverzaci pracovali s informacemi z wikipedie a knížek. Věnovali jsme se životu Masaryka, citátům, rodině prvního prezidenta, vztahu Masaryka ke knížkám, legiím a příběhu samotné sochy TGM, která se dne 28. října vrátila na pečecké náměstí. Zašli jsme na přednášku paní Babkové do Vzdělávacího centra a setkali jsme se s čestným občanem města Benediktem Vl. Holotou, jehož otes s legiemi prošel Sibiří. Děkuji všem žákům za spolupráci.     

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, 14. 12. 1935

,,Státy se udržují těmi ideály, z nichž se zrodily.“

 ,,States are kept up with the ideals, which they were born.“

When the prezident abdicated after seventeen years in the office, he prepared a short abdication speech.  He recommended  Ed. Beneš as his successor (“I worked with him beyond the bordes and I know him very well.“), he made clear a future of Czechoslovakia.

He reminded that the democratic state in the future have to keep a loyality to its history.

We really need good politics and justice to every citizen whatever nationality they are, I think.

Eliška Karafiátová

Masaryk’s Family Life

Masaryk considered mental and physical health equally important. He loved horse riding and cycling, he was even a part of some walking group. Anyway, his view of food was really strange, he took it only as a necessity for his body to work, but at least liked to drink a lot of tea and black coffee. He became an abstinent and for a while a vegetarian.

He was impressed by the difference of sexes in particular and thought women shouldn’t be slaves in households as it mostly was at that time. Despite that, he thought he would end his life without a family life. But when he faced the death while saving an old lady from drowning he realised his feelings for Charlotte, who he met in Leipzig during his studies.

When Charlotte was injured, he rushed to see her and they finally got married. Masaryk didn’t see Charlotte only like the wife she was supposed to be, she was also an associate and an overwhelming support to him. They both thought marriage was something very sacred.

They moved to Prague and had five children together. Maternity was as valuable as fatherhood to them. Masaryk had really good relationship with children, he talked to them as he did to adults, and children loved him. His daughter described him in a good light, she wrote that she had a friendly and open relationship with him,she loved him enormously, but treated him with unreal respect at the same time.

Charlotte was buried in literature and also devoted herself to music - especially to works of Smetana, they often played and sang with Masaryk together.

The presidency brought showing in public and public performances, but Masaryk said himself he never wanted to be a centre of attention. He was linked with "bene vixit, qui bene latuit" (well lived who hid himself well). People were saying that he was the president in every way,he had a natural talent though he never taught to be the president.

After the death of his wife, Masaryk experienced the worst period of his life, he wasn’t happy about his family, children and grandchildren barely visited him. He was often thinking about Charlotte and no one could ever know, what that simple grave on cemetery and the person who was buried here meant to him. He died on September 14th 1937.

Written by E. Kozáková

Masaryk´s statue in Pečky

   Masaryk´s statue was built in 1927 in Prague by a sculptor Ladislav Šaloun and got placed in front of the town hall of Pečky. The base of the statue was from 28 parts and was made from granite.

   In 1941, the statue was taken away by German occupiers. Germans intended to destroy the statue but some people hid it in the walls of a grammar school in Prague.

    After four years it was brought back to its original place in Pečky. It managed to survive for another 13 years until it was removed again in 1958 and in 1961 the communists ordered to cut it in pieces in Regula.

   The base of the statue was being repaired two times. Builders found a box in the base with newspaper and other treasures from 1940´s so it was found that the base was actually taken or repaired before 2018. With the new statue, we placed a new box from stainless steel and put some cash and newspaper inside.

Matěj Fraško


  In December 1925 the council approved that the statue will be in front of the town square in Pečky. The statue was casted and then in December 1927 placed on the pedestal.

  In 1941 the statue was taken away to be destroyed because of the Nazi occupation. Luckily, the statue was hidden in the Russian grammar school in Strašnice and then ceremonially revealed.

  But the story about the statue continues really sadly. In 1958 the statue was removed from its base and then transported to the factory -  Regula, then in 1961 cut and melted.

  After this, in Pečky was installed a memorial to the victims of the World Wars.

  And now in 2018 the statue of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk was hopefully placed in front of the town hall I hope for the last time.

-  The statue is made from bronze

-   Pedestal has 26 parts

-   It´s a really big statue

Tereza Trnková

ENGLISH CORNER number 2 -  January 2019

Josie King s přítelkyní v hodinách anglického jazyka 

Evelína vypráví hostům příběh sovhyOtázky hostů na náměstí 

Special guests from England

On January 18th we had two special quests in our English lesson who flew all the way from London and pleased us with their visit. One of those two elderly ladies was Mrs. Čiháková’s host mom by the time she had been studying English in England.

Her name is Josephine King and she is from Chelmsford which is a city with the cathedral and university where about 30 thousand people live. She has two children, son and daughter. She is a social worker which means she takes care of old people around 90 and is their companion when they feel lonely.

The main reason why she is in the Czech republic is that she decided to visit Mrs. Čiháková but she of course wants to see some sights as well. She is planning visiting Prague. On Tuesday she is returning back to England.

Josephine and her friend told us about Brexit and how they think it will affect students who would go to England. They are sure an identification card will not be enough to pass the control and everyone will need a passport at least. But it shouldn’t be a problem otherwise.

To sum up, I’m happy we got to meet them. It was a good chance to speak with native speakers. We showed them our town and spoke about our country and they told us about their in return. It was refreshing and I hope they enjoyed being with us….

Evelína Kozáková

Eliška s hosty

After our English lesson at school we went with our English guests to the   Square to show them the statute of TGM and the town hall.

We told them the story of the statue which finally stands at Masaryk´s square.

They seemed they didn´t really know much about our country nor our town, but they were interested in presidents V. Havel and Tomáš G. Masaryk.

After a short speech about the statue of T. G. Masaryk, we went to a town hall and showed them the portraits of the mayors of Pečky.

We also met there Mrs. Renková, unlocked a ceremony hall with a cradle and a city flag.

Next to it there is a tiny room with a radio station that we hear in our streets from microphones.

It was an unusual experience as we talked about common things such as weather and the church and I´m glad I had the opportunity to be their guide for a while.

Eliška Karafiátová

Školní rok 2017 -  2018

  • Redakční rada (RR) při ZŠ Pečky pro školní rok 2017- 2018 bude pracovat ve složení: L. Nimburský, O. Tichý 9th grade  (and classmates)                  

Evelína Kozáková 8th grade (and classmates)          

ENGLISH CORNER number 1 - September

Evelína se zamyslela nad střední školou, kam by rád odešla studovat a Lukáš si přečetl příběh z internetu, který Vám stručně převyprávěl:

My dream school

In this short essay I‘m going to write about my dream high school. Because in a year I will have to choose a high school to study on. So there is how I want that school to look like.

My high school should be near my hometown because of the transport. If I could choose a place, it would be somewhere outside the city centre. There would be a big park opposite the main entrance where students can spend their breaks or free time.

The school would be in the old building with history, but maintained nicely. I imagine not so big school -  for about four hundred students. I don’t know on what it would be focused, maybe on languages or biology, but I’m not sure about this.  

In any case there would be a big library, where students can borrow books and spend some subject lessons. And a gym and maybe even a swimming pool for physical education and for students, who are sport based. Also there would be spacious school canteen and special labs, computer rooms or a little kitchen. I would like to have there some after school activities, clubs or courses. And the last thing, which would be there are lockable cabinets for students, where they can lock their textbooks, so they don’t have to take them home and have so heavy schoolbags.

All in all, this is a school I would like to have in my neighbourhood. I don’t think my high school will be like this one, but it would be nice to study in a dream school.


Stone Soup

      One day, two travellers reached a comfortable little village. They were very hungry so they asked villagers for some food. But everyone said that they didn´t have anything. Two travellers realised that villagers were in greater need than they themselves. They decided to make a  magical soup and asked villagers for a big black pot. One man carried it and travellers started cooking. People were curious and tried to find out what two men were doing. They tossed an ordinary stone into the pot and said that they were making a Stone Soup. Then one of travellers asked for a small carrot. One child raised her hand and said that she might had it. Then people began to bring more ingredients such as potatoes, kernels of corns, beans and other things. They put it in the pot and after that arranged a Stone Soup feast. Everyone who tasted the soup, said that it was amazing and delicious.They cooked Stone Soup out of a stone and a  magical ingredient – sharing. This is a simple recipe how to cook Stone Soup.


ENGLISH CORNER number 2 - October

Příprava na zkoušku PET žáků devátých ročníků. 

Reakce na přečtený příběh z internetu na téma - It´s digital heroin:  How sreens turn kids into psychotic junkies. Dr. NIcholas Kardaras, a clinical professor at Stony Brook Medicine (New York Post).

The story is about Susan and her 6-year-old son John, who started to be addicted to his new iPad. The text then tells us that technology addiction is basicaly like digital heroin.

It effects our brain and the only way to reset brain is don't use technology for a month.

Many teenagers use too much technology these days. I have to agree with that. I also noticed it in my neighbourhood. My classmates have mobile phones in hands instead of having fun with their buddies. I personally know at least five people who are focused just on screens.

On the other hand it's fun to have easy access to information. In short advanced technologies can be good for us if we use them properly.

Libor Kozák, Miloš Hotovec, Ondřej Tichý

ENGLISH CORNER number 3 - November

Profesní orietace žáků (práce v cestovní kanceláři Channel Crossings) v rámci 

přípravy leteckého zájezdu do Anglie v březnu 2018.

Special guest in our English lesson

On November 8th we had a special guest, who came to our English lesson. It was a graduate of our school. Her name is Adéla Müllerová and she is a head of Channel Crossings agency nowadays.

She studied in our school in Pečky, and in a grammar school in Poděbrady. She has been learning English since the age of 5. She has visited over 40 countries so far. She mostly travels to UK because of her work.

She has to find out language schools for her clients, decide if each school is good enough. She also helps people with type of course they need, arranges accomodation, travel tickets and things like this. United Kingdom is number one destination for language studies with best language schools in the world.

She told us a few information about the city, where we are going to stay, because of our language course in March. The city’s name is Bury St. Edmunds, it lies in Suffolk county and was built in around 1080. There is a famous sugar factory and some breweries. It is nearby Cambridge.

All in all, I’m glad that Adéla visited us. I think that she was speaking clearly and fluently. I’ve enjoyed her presentation.


 A visit in our English classroom

  Adela Mullerova came to our English classroom on 8th November.  She is the  Head of Channel Crossings. She has more than 10 years of experience. She has started learning English since the age of five. She helps students to choose what type of course they need.She also deals with parents or helps with problems during their stay. She prepares our stay in Bury St. Edmuns. This city is known for breweries and British Sugar Station. Charles Diskens stayed at Angel Hotel during writing one of his books.  We were told many information about Australia too. Two most famous cities in Australia are Sydney and Melbourne. In  Australia people speak with different accent so it is harder to understand them. Adela spoke very  good English and I understood her well. We also took a photo with her.

    I think that she has a successful career and likes her job. What I liked the most were quotes which she showed us.


Adela Müller

We had a visit of Adela Muller in an English class. She is a manager in travel agency Channel Crossings. She has been learning English since the age of 5 and she has more than 10 years of experience in travel agency.

She started a presentation with her education. She went to the Basic school in Pečky where Mrs. Křížová was her teacher. She performed in English tales, sang English songs etc. We do the same things to learn. Later, she went to the grammar school in Poděbrady. She found her job on the Internet. She helps students to decide the type of course they need. She has improved her English at work.

She has visited more than 40 countries on 5 continents. She told us about Bury St Edmunds (the town and its language school), where we are going to fly in March 2018.

Her speech was interesting and nice to hear. 


An unusal English

   At work she talks to school abroad, helps students with their problems, deals with parents who are worried about their children and travels around the world. During her travels she visits all language schools possible. She tould us interesting information about Bury St Edmuns which is the town that we will travel to:  Its location, history, sights. The city is known for its breweries and British Sugar Factory. Adéla then continued her presentation with information about Australia. She tould us how difficult it was for her when she travelled to Australia for the first time. The people there speak differently and there are lot of dangerous animals that can kill you. She informed us about the competition between Melbourne and Sydney and also about the longest highway in the world. She added animals which are dangerous...

   To sum up I think that she had prepared her presentation and speech very well. I liked it and I‘m now for sure much more informed ...


A travel abroad agent       

   On 8th November, we had a visitor from Channel Crossings Travel Agency Adéla Mullerová.

   She has been taught English at our school  few years ago, nowdays she is a head of the travel agency.

   Adéla has visited more than 40 countries on 5 continents and her motto is:

                  “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”.

But what does „rich“ mean?                                           

   It means richer in experiences, challenging yourself, meeting new people, getting more language skills or appreciate what we have at home.

And what does  a Study Abroad Consultant do?

   The consultant helps students to decide what type of course they need. She talks to the schools abroad and enrolls students. But the most important part is that she makes the dreams come true.

   She also told us basic facts about schools abroad. The UK is N°1 destination for language studies with best language schools in the world and their agency offers more than 100 schools in the UK. She didn´t forget to get us know about the town Bury St Edmunds where we will fly next year.

   I think this was very nice of her, to show us her presentation about the things we didn´t know. And her language skills inspired me to learn more and become better in English in near future. 

Eliška Karafiátová

A guest in our English lesson

On 8th November we had a very interesting lesson. Our teacher Mrs.Křížová invited a graduate from Pečky school. She told us about her job and life.

Her name is Adéla Müllerová. She has been learning English since she was five. She was learning English by acting in English plays and she still remembers her small roles.  She said that she liked singing and playing in English drama.

Nowadays she works in Channel Crossings Agency. Adéla speaks English fluently thanks to participating in international conferences. She has been working there as a manager. She is a Head of this agency. This company offers travelling to language schools. The best destinations for language studies are the United Kingdom and the United States. She mentioned that she has visited 40 countries so far on 5 continents.

Adéla has already been in Bury St Edmunds town. So she knows that there is a cathedral, beautiful park and St Mary’s church.

I like Adéla very much because she showed me that English is really important at work.

I look forward to travelling to England.

Eliška Karafiátová

ENGLISH CORNER number 4 - January

Problém drogové závislosti mladých lidí v současné společnosti - Evropa a svět nás zajímá (průřezové téma školního vzdělávacího programu).

Megan Waterman-Fouch 

Jack Canfield 

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough times for teens

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, 2012


A change for the better                                                 

   In this article I’m going to write about a young girl, who was self-destructive and lately addicted to drugs but strong to change herself.

   Her mother wasn’t able to take care of her, since getting pregnant in seventeen. Her grandparents raised her and she was only six weeks old when they took her away from her mother. She was told not to end up like her mother. She lived her life properly until eighth grade of school.

   She easily found out that having no responsibilities was more easy than having interest in school. Her grades were worse and worse and she was suspended for truancy and being disrespectful. She became addicted to drugs, was dressed all in black and began to behave out of control.

   A few months later her grandparents couldn’t watch her anymore. She destroyed herself, but she didn‘t care at all. Her mother helped her for the first time. She took her to a treatment center for girls. In the treatment center she had to prove that she wanted to change herself. The counselors had to help her, but it was up to her to make the final decision. It was hard for her.

   She truly wanted to change, was focused on her schoolwork and learned to enjoy herself without any substances. Her therapist helped her restore relationship with her grandparents and mother and showed her that she could succeed if she really wanted to. After high school she decided to attend veterinary nursing school and before twenty five she was already married and had a house. She is happy and believes that you can always change for the better.

   All in all, I’m happy for her and that she found her way out of that mess. Luckily I don’t know anyone who is addicted to drugs, but I know some people who are self destructive like this young girl I was writing about. They may don’t realise it but they can end up like her one day. There is a thin border between being self destructive and addicted to some substances. I wish the best I can to all people who want to change themselves for the better.

Evelína Kozáková

A change for the better

   The article we read a week ago was about a teenage girl who got into trouble with drugs and very bad behaviour.

   Her mother became pregnant with her in seventeen, so her grandparents took care of her. Firsttly, she excelled in school. Unfortunately later, she discovered that staying out late with her friends was more fun than going home and her troubles started….In school she skipped a lot of classes and she was suspended for truancy.

    Luckily, her mother decided to help her. She took her to a treatment center for girls. The therapist there told her, that if she really wanted to succeed, she could. So she decided to change and she really did.

   Now, she has much better life.

   In my opinion, this story was very interesting and I found there an ideas, which can make life easier to the people, who suffer with drugs. I think that in our country should be more treatment centers because I do not know any center nearby.

   Fortunately for me, I do not know any girl or boy addicted to drugs, but I am pretty sure that they live in our city.

Eliška Karafiátová

A change for the better

   This is a story about a teenage girl who made a lot of mistakes from the beginning, but she learned from them.

   Her mother had a hard life because she was pregnant with her at seventeen. She blamed her for her failures. Her grandparents took her and raise her because her mother was unable to care for her. She excelled in school, but she stayed out late with friends and became addicted to drugs.

   She lost control on herself. She didn’t care about her life so her mother took her to a treatment center for girls. The counselors helped her, but she had to make a change for herself. She began to focus on her schoolwork again and took part in her therapy sessions. Then she did activities with other girls who lived there.

   In the end, she restored relationship with her mother and grandparents. Her way showed a therapist who helped her.

   Afterwards she completed high school and started to study veterinary school. In my opinion, she was lucky and very brave.

Eliška Senohrábková

ENGLISH CORNER number 5 - March

Diaries form the study stay in BLS English in Bury St Edmunds (19 - 23 March, 2018)

First day                                        Monday                                                     19th March

   I was at about 8:15 am at the airport. We went through all controls and at 10:20 we already sat in aeroplane. Few minutes later, a captain announces that the oil flows out of the engine so we had about  an hour delay. In 1:30 pm we landed at Stansted, London. After we got our baggage, we found our bus and rode straight to Bury St Edmunds. Our activity coordinater had already waited for us, then she showed us some of the shops and we had free time to explore the town. At 5 pm our host family should take us but their car got broken so we had to wait for a school bus. In the bus, we found out that two Spanish girls we live with   couldn’t speak English well. For diner  we had sausages with boiled potatoes and salad.

 Second day                                 Tuesday                                                     20th March

   It was the first day at school. I felt very nervous about it. I thought it would be boring and exhausting but our teacher Greg showed me (I think he showed to all of us) the opposite. He was really funny and little bit crazy. After lunch, we went to Abbey gardens because of the tasks we had. Then, we went to the town and asked people some questions about Bury. When our school finished, I went with Madla to Abbey gardens again and we tool some really nice photos. At 5 pm I was again at school waiting for someone who should take us to the host family but as yesterday we had to wait over 30 minutes. When we finally got to the Lea farm, we were knocking but no one was opening  the door. We stand at the door over 10 minutes then we just went upstairs where Emily was feeding Louisa.

Third day                                    Wednesday                                                 21st March

   I was looking forward to school. We had our lesson at Abbey gardens it was nice change beside sitting in the school. We should make questions about the Czech republic and Bury St Edmunds for local people. In the afternoon, we went to ask those questions. When I asked some woman if she wants to visit the Czech republic she told me no. I was little bit sad about it. Then, we went to the local museum. It was really exhausting because the man who was talking us the local history was using English idoms and he was talking very fast so I didn’t understand so much. After school we went shopping and then we went back to school and host families.

 Fourth day                                     Thursday                                                 22nd March

   In the morning we had school again. Then in the afternoon we went to Cambridge. I was looking forward to it. The weather was colder then previous days. But I still enjoyed it. First, we went after sights and then we did shopping. I’m sad that I didn’t hear so well so I don’t know much about the history of the city. I bought the hoodie of Cambridge and some presents for my family.

Fifth day                                              Friday                                                  23rd March

   We were leaving today. I was so sad that I must leave this beautiful place. We had  our baggage at school and enjoyed last free time till 1:45pm. I went to buy lunch and then we found a nice place at Abbey gardens and stayed there to 1:40pm. After 1:45 pm, bus took us to the airport. We went through controls and borded aeroplane. This time, we didn’t have delay so we were at 8pm in Prague. We had been waiting long time for our baggage. When we entered the main hall no one was waiting for me. I was really angry.  When I found my father we rode home. I was so tired  -  I went straight to bed.

 I really enjoyed this trip to England and I’m sure I will visit Bury one day again.

Cambridge sights

Pavla Nepovímová


   We met with schoolmates and our teacher at the airport, then we went through the scanner at the check point. We boarded the plane and waited for the take off. However, there was  a sort of problem with the plane so we had to wait for more than hour  that made us a little bit nervous. We finally took off and happily landed at Stansted airport. Our bus took us to Bury St. Edmunds. Subsequently my host family picked us up. Their house was in a  Newmarket village.

   I stayed with the couple, Garland and Debra, with my friends, Alenka and Eliška. They served us chicken and chips for dinner that was delicious. Garland went with us  to the shopping mall. It was quite funny experience because their “small” shopping mall seemed huge to us.


   Debra brought us to the language school which started at 9.15 a.m. We were surprised again because our classroom was tiny. We introduced ourselves to our teacher and described our hobbies in the morning. We had a very kind and friendly teacher named Greg. He was “bees knees” for me.

This day was very cold and freezing so we went out to warm up playing outdoor games. The school lessons finished at 5 p.m. so Garland arrived for us. We hang out with the couple and it was nice.


   At school we checked our homework which we did with the host family. We carried out an interview with passers-by in the town. It was very interesting as I got new experience talking with foreign native speakers. Our team visited a local museum in the afternoon, but the guide talked very fast and we were not able to understand him.

The host family served us a sauce with spaghetti for dinner. I was very cold at night, so I had to wear warm clothes.


   We practiced reported speech and passive form in the morning. Then our group went all around the Bury and I walked in Abbey gardens that I liked very much. This day the weather was nice so the gardens seemed more beautiful than the previous days.

We also went for a trip to Cambridge on Thursday. I wishI I knew this historical town. We saw the river Cam with the punts. There were people in the punt, one man held a pole which he used for punting. We did sightseeing around historical buildings and the market. There were a lot of shops, so we could buy anything we wished. I really enjoyed this trip.


   Friday was the last day in the UK. We packed baggage and said goodbye to the couple we stayed with. Then we went to Bury St. Edmunds for the last time and enjoyed sunny weather. Fortunately, we did not have delay at the airport and we landed in Prague in time. In the airport hall I hugged my real family and went home.

I enjoyed a study stay in Bury St Edmunds and I would love to go to the UK again.

Pře odjezdem

Eliška Senohrábková



     Školní rok 2016 - 2017

Redakční rada (RR) při ZŠ Pečky pro školní rok 2016 - 2017

   bude pracovat ve složení: 

 Kateřina Žůrková, Martin Jelínek, Žaneta Vrbová 

redakční rada

Uvidíme, co se nám podaří zveřejnit v tomto školním roce v rámci přípravy na jazykovou zkoušku PET a okresní soutěž v DDM Kolín. Držte nám palce a pište připomínky na adresu: 

ENGLISH CORNER number 1 - September 

Olympic games for schools

            From 8th to 10th of September our school was taking a part in a race OVOV in Brno. There were me, Linda Radoňská, Viktorie Sršňová, Eliška Drábková, Honza Vilím, Karel Svobodník, Vít Kašpárek and Martin Oláh. Mr. Kupr and Mrs. Holubová were looking after us.

            OVOV means Badge of Varsalite Olympic Winners.

            In this competition we did press-up, sprint, dribling with basketball ball, pull-up, jump over a  rope, throwing a medicineball, throwing a cricket ball, sit-ups and  a long jump.

            I think that my best achievement was in sprint. I was 8th in my age group.

            We met a lot of famous people: Jarmila Kratochvílová, Šárka Kašpárková and Lukáš Melich. Unfortunately short time before the competition a fantastic sportswoman Věra Čáslavská died.

            In the end of OVOV we were 34th of 40th schools. We were happy because success was to be there and to have a chance to compete.

                                       Žaneta Vrbová                                       

Žaneta Vrbová, IX.C

ENGLISH CORNER number 2 - October

   What are we interested in after school? Čím se bavíme ve volném čase?

Singing in a choir

   I started singing when I was young behind a closed door of my bedroom. I thought that nobody heard me. I sang my favourite songs written by K. Kryl or J. Nohavica.

   My parents enrolled me in a Chotutice choir when I was six. I am still there. It was hard for me at first but easier after few weeks.

   When I was eleven my choirmaster told me about Prague choir named Coro Piccolo. This choir had free places at the summer art camp, so I went.  Here I met professional music and later that year I sang with them on Christmas tour with Marie Rottrová. I am still in this Prague choir.

   We organize own concerts. We cooperate with the symphony orchestra, singers or bands. We are invited to television, radio and we record CDs. The biggest concert where I sang was with Daniel Landa at airport for sixty thousand people.

  Music is my biggest hobby and my escape from reality. Thanks to choirs I´ve got great friends and I have lot of experiences.

Eliška Sýkorová

That´s me singing

Table tennis

   I have been playing table tennis for six years.  I began playing it  with my best friend in Radim.

   I started training twice a week. The number of trainings grew up for todays five trainings per week and two hours of a physical ecercises . I have got some trainings in Radim and some in Kolín. I am in a group with two boys. Our coach is Richard Výborný who was in  the Czech national team and competed in the Olympic Games 2004. He is very strict. Thanks to him I am in the Czech kadet girls national team,  too. I have trained with Richard from my beginning and I hope he will lead me in the future. I regularly go to training camps. Some are in the Czech republic and some are abroad.

   I actually take a part in district championship for Viktoria Radim and second league of TJ Sokol Poděbrady. I play first league for  Slavoj Prague, too.

   I regularly attend BTM (Scoring Youth Tournament).  These tournaments are in many towns. For example in Prague, Ostrava, Havířov, Hluk, Hodonín, Liberec and Jaroměř.    I spend lots of weekends on tournaments bacause I usually play both days. Sometimes this is hard for me. I met many friends on tournaments and although I do not see them every day, they are my best friends.

   Table tennis is my hobby number 1. I sometimes train instead of school, and I have lots of  missed lessons. But school is very helpful. I hope I will be among  the best table tennis players in the Czech republic . My ambitoin is to go to the  Olympic Games like my coach in the future.

Anna Stránská


Playing the piano

     Playing the piano is easy thing for someone but it can be  also hard to people  who are scared of this musical instrument.

     Well, playing this instrument is also very useful. If you only learn some bacis chords then you can accompany other instrument or you can simply play some of your favorite songs.

     For me it´s easier now because I have been playing the piano for a longer time but at the beggining it was difficult, I think. Apart fom plying on your own, you can also play with one more person and then it´s called a  four-handed play.                 

    There is a lot of competitions on which you can go and win nice awards. You can start to play in a  music band or in an orchestra, too.

    I really like it because of my amazing teacher. Playing the piano is taught in every music school so  don´t waste the time and hand in an application. I am sure  you´ll love it!


Kateřina Žůrková

ENGLISH CORNER number 3 - November

   Let´s introduce in short....Seznamte se s námi...

Being 13 

      My name is Lukáš Nimburský. I am 13 years old. I live in the Czech Republic in a  small town Pečky. There are friendly people and I enjoy living here. But sometimes it gets a bit noisy due to a railway nearby.

      I live in a small but high house. My room is on the second floor so that it has a great view of the neighborhood and sky.

 My family  isn´t very big, just my parents, my sister and me. My dad likes to drive a car or take photos of nature. My mum takes care of household. My sister Eliška has just began to study music at conservatory in Prague. She plays the accordion. I´m proud of what she is able to do. She is also my best friend. We like going on trips to the zoo, mountains and castles.

      I have a lot of friends. We are always together when we are at school. We sometimes go outside to talk and play. My best friends live in my town and in nearby village Dobřichov. I sing and dance at musical school. I often visit cinemas or theatres. I love musicals the most. I read adventures books. I do martial art Taekwon-do, too and I´m glad that I can be there with so many good friends. 


Written by Lukáš Nimburský

ENGLISH CORNER number 4 - December

   Jak vzpomínají pečecké rodiny na občana a prezidenta Václava Havla pět let po jeho smrti? 

Žáci osmých tříd:

Vzpomínky na Václava Havla

„Neměl jsem nikdy příležitost setkat se s Václavem Havlem osobně, přesto pro mě zosobňuje víc než jen přechod od totalitní společnosti ke svobodné. Podle mě usilovat o to, aby se do správy věcí veřejných vrátil obsah, na jehož prvním místě jsou lidé a nikoli boj o mocenské pozice. Chtěl, aby společnost měla nějaké ideály, které by ji posunovaly dopředu, ne jenom uchovávaly už překonaný stav. A právě to dnes chybí.“

(Vzpomínky tatínka)

Maminka si spojuje jméno Václav Havel s jeho citátem: „Pravda a láska musí zvítězit nad lží a nenávistí.“ Kromě toho, že Václav Havel byl posledním československým a prvním českým prezidentem, ho vnímala jako symbol sametové revoluce, která způsobila pád komunistického režimu v Československu. Díky zásluhám na ní byl po řadu let nominován na Nobelovu cenu za mír. Na rozdíl od svých následovníků myslel na lidi a uměl jim naslouchat. Jednal s nimi jako se sobě rovnými.

(Vzpomínky maminky)

Babička vnímala Václava Havla jako člověka pokorného, ale přitom se železnou vůlí. Obdivovala jeho schopnost vcítění se do duše druhých. Samozřejmě, že ne vždy se mu dařilo, o co usiloval. Za ta dlouhá a složitá léta udělal i chyby, které často přiznával a které nebyly v zásadním rozporu s jeho celoživotním snažením. Babička je přesvědčena o tom, že Václav Havel učinil český národ hrdým.

(Vzpomínky babičky)

L. Nimburský 

Svítící Havlovo srdceLukáš při četbě vzpomínek u pietního místa

Žáci devátých tříd:

   I know Václav Havel from books, DVDs and from my parents. We haven´t spoken about him at

school yet.

My father says:

   I don´t have any personal memories. We didn´t meet. Nevertheless he was the decisive figure of the anticommunist movement. The change to democracy in 1989 could be impossible without him. I´ve read many books written by Havel when I was about 17 years old and they were the great sorce of inspiration at that time. I clearly remember reading his Power of Powerless. I was amazed how true his words were. Also we loved reading his drama. It was our favourite entertainment with my sister and her friends. 

   For my mother Václav Havel was an honest person who loved justice and managed to vindicate his positions. He tried to bring benefits to the Czech and people loved him for that.

   My grandmother really liked him too. For her Václav Havel was an idealist, poet, writer and artist who had a big heart. She said he had been vulnerable against calculating people around him.

   We have few books written by Vácalv Havel at home (Plays, Power of Powerless) as well as DVDs about him.

Kateřina Žůrková, 9. 11. 2016

Vzpomínky na V. Havla v angličtině na pietním místě před radnicí   Eseje V. Havla s komentářem pro středoškoláky Co předcházelo Chartě 77

ENGLISH CORNER number 5 - January 

   Reading and writing skills for PET for schools exam - příprava na složení jazykové zkoušky Cambridge v červnu 2017 v Praze formou domácí četby současných anglických příběhů. 

Spring, Mountain, Sea

   The story I have just read was about a man Rob Eltred, his wife Jade Moon and their life. There was a war and because Jade was Japanese, Rob had problems with another carpenters at work. In April Jade's and Rob's baby was born. They were arguing about the girl's name because Jade wanted her to name Spring (it was common in her country in Japan) but Rob wanted something more common for America(the country where they lived). He decided to name her April.

    When Rob's mates got to know that he has a child, they forgot about his Japanese wife because they were all amazed by their own children. Rob made a lot of friends. Women from church started to visit Jade and April. They brought them pies, books and everything was fine.

    After some time, Jade was learning cooking and speaking English. She has been invited for a dinner. She had to cook some food so she made a fish with vegetable but nobody liked it. She felt very embarrased. She hated English and didn't want to learn anymore.

   After two years, their next child was born and Jade wanted to name him Mountain. Soon after their last baby Sea was born. Rob decided again to give them American names, Michael and Maria. They felt uncomfortable in their school but after years they grew up and they were happy. They left home and went to live in bigger cities.

   Maria graduated from  the college and all three children got a job. Rob fell from a ladder and hurt his back. He had to work in the office.

    He and Jade lived peacefully many next years in their town. One day, Jade Moon fainted. They went to hospital and doctor told them that Jade had  a cancer. When it got serious Rob called their children to come. Rob was thinking about Jade and about his life very much. When children came, they found their parents lying in a bed. Rob was whispering to Jade: Spring, Mountain, Sea.

Kateřina Žůrková

ENGLISH CORNER number 6 - February

   I took a part in regional competition in English which was in Kolín 16 February and I succeeded, I think. Kresní konverzační soutěž.

   On February 16th I took a part in a regional English competition in The House of Children and Youth, in Kolín. Mrs. Křížová gave me some useful advice  but I did not know exactly what to expect. I travelled by train with Kateřina Žůrková who competed in a higher category.

   When we reached the destination, we signed in and prepared for the first part which was writing. It was divided into two parts - listening and reading. They asked us to go to a room with a  radio so I went there and sat near to the radio to hear well. Listening was quite easy for me and I was lucky that the recording was heard well. After listening we continued with reading. They gave us 20 minutes to answer the questions about two articles. I finished this work in 10 minutes so I checked my answers several times. This writing part was calm, I wasn't even nervous.

   After the writing part  speaking test came and I was afraid of it. I was waiting in the main hall for about 45 minutes then I was called in. There was a boy who went to the room with me because he was chosen to do the speaking part with me. I sat on a chair and they gave me some questions so I answered them. Basic questions such as where I am from or something about my family and then we had a dialogue together. At the end, we should talk about  pictures at least for a minute. When I left the room, I was relieved but I felt I could do it much better.

   When I found out that I was 2nd, I was really pleased. The boy, who I talked to, was 1st. Despite the fact that I missed the first place just because of one point, I am confident with my result and grateful to Mrs. Křížová that I could compete.  

Evelína Kozáková, VII.B

ENGLISH CORNER number 7 - March

   School competition in reading literacy among the best pupils from two classes (VIII. A and VIII. B)  in the language classroom number 23. Nedaří se nám v rámci školy ve skupinách s různými vyučujícími sladit nároky na žáky klasifikované známkou výbornou  na vysvědčení.  

Here we are during the testingIt was not easy for us

Classmates during read.

   I think reading English books helped me in this test quiet a lot. From 6th class I have already read about eight books.I liked the most The Red Badge of Courage. It was a war story.

    During summer holidays I am going to read another two books.

Miloš HotovecMiloš Hotovec

ENGLISH CORNER number 8 - May 

   Reading and writing skills - PET for schools exam - příprava na složení jazykové zkoušky Cambridge v červnu 2017 v Praze. 

A wolf in sheep's clothing

This story was witten by Kristen Elias and the teacher gave it to me.

   Into a biology class was transferred a new student. His name was Kyle. After some weeks hanging out he asked a girl to be his girlfriend. She said yes. After a couple of months she learned a lot about him and she thought she knew who he was. She learned he came from violent background. He was watching domestic violence since he was a child.

    After about six months their relationship began to change.They started to argue a lot over minor things and he was very jealous. At school he watched who she was talking to. When she talked to someone who he didn't like, he yelled at her. He controlled her messages and phone calls. During few months it was even worse. He started to beat her. Her parents didn't know what's happening between their daughter and Kyle.

   One day he attacked her and her parents called the police. Kyle was sentenced to a year of community service and he had to attend therapy sessions. Kristen was blind and protected him for a long time. She didn't realize that she was a victim of dating violence.

   Now she is a stronger and more aware person. She is helping other girls that go through the same situation. 

  I think that domestic violence is a problem in many countries. Women are beated because their partners are jealous or grew up in cruel families. Maybe they were also victims of violence and wanted revenge. But it can´t work this way.

         I don't know many cases of violence in Czech families. But sometimes it is said on TV news. Probably we don't have so many problems as other parts of the world where men and women do not have equal rights.

written by Žaneta Vrbová   

   Presentation skills - our school is open to the public  

- článek vloží L .Nimburský po prezentaci Frankensteina pro veřejnost v Den otevřených dveří školy

- Pavla po divadlní hře Friendship and Lies

- Žaneta a Kateřina po prezentaci Skotska

Školní rok 2015 - 2016

Redakční rada (RR) při ZŠ Pečky  zřídila ENGLISH  CORNER

   Pečecká škola nemá školní časopis v elektronické podobě. Mohli bychom nejspíš požádat redakční radu místních novin o prostor v pečeckých novinách pod názvem ENGLISH  CORNER,  kde bychom pravidelně publikovali.  Alespoň to nám poradila paní Krulišová z knihovny na mailový dotaz paní učitelky Křížové.  

    Rozhodli jsme se  jinak. Zřídili jsme si  redakční radu sami.

Naučíme se pracovat na školním webu, zveřejňovat písemné práce a videonahrávky z našich mobilů, pořízené v anglické konverzaci v příštím  školním roce 2015/2016. Snad to při jedné hodině volitelného předmětu  v devátém ročníku zvládneme.

  • Rádi bychom si zlepšili dovednosti  v oblasti  psaní a mluvení v rámci přípravy na složení jazykové zkoušky PET v červnu 2016. 

  • Zvládnutí školního webu se nám může hodit i při studiu na středních školách. 

  • Za užitečné také považujeme ukázat našim rodičům a širší veřejnosti, čím se zabýváme v hodinách anglické konverzace, kde máme výuku angličtiny posílennou z disponibilních hodin.

  Přáli bychom si větší zapojení žáků anglických konverzací do mezinárodních projektů evropské spolupráce pečecké školy.   

    Kdo ví, co přinese školní rok 2015/2016...

   Co si o našem nápadu myslíte? 

 Pište nám na e-mail: 

Předem děkujeme za Vaše reakce.

  N. Sedláčková, L. Kozáková a E. Nimburská za redakční tým při ZŠ Pečky.  


 Příběh bezpráví XX. století na rodině zemědělce

pana Josefa Kukly z Vrbové Lhoty


Blanka Budková, rozená Kuklová

 Blanka Budková, rozená Kuklová

      Jak prožívala čtrnáctiletá dívka násilnou kolektivizaci ve Vrbové Lhotě, sebevraždu maminky, vyhození sestry Věry ze střední školy a svoje nepřijetí na gymnázium do Poděbrad?

   Jak se k sedlákům a k rodině Kuklových chovali spoluobčané ve vesnici?

    Žijí mezi námi dnes potomci těch, kteří se na nespravedlivých procesech podíleli?

    Čím nás  životní postoj Paní Budkové může inspirovat v dnešním světě? 

                My dvě jsme neměly vystudovat  a už vůbec ne vyučovat jiné...                              Není to jednoduché vyrovnat se s bezprávím na rodině

Se žáky devátých tříd 

   Blanka Budková, a secondary school teacher of English and my great-great aunt, visited us on 8th June to tell us her life story.

   She was born in 1939 in Vrbová Lhota. Her parents had been working tirelessly and were making a lot of effort to be able to afford and maintain their farm and fields but their property was taken away from them by the communists. As the parents weren't keen on letting go of their property, Blanka's sister was expelled from GJP. Her mother was in such despair from everything that she committed suicide.

   Blanka applied to GJP too, when she turned 14. Her letter of admission was rejected and she was ordered to work in a shoe factory in Slovakia. Blanka figured out she could write a letter to the president since people were sending him messages all the time. Fortunately, she was successful and accepted to the secondary school.

   Later at university, she studied to become a teacher of P.E. and Czech. She started her career at GJP. She has always been fond of languages and throughout the years, she learned English and German on her own. After the Velvet Revolution, she was allowed to teach students English.

I reckon that Blanka was an excellent narrator. We were given the chance to find out more about the communistic regime and how it effected young teenagers.

                                                                                                                 Nela Sedláčková


   On 8th  June a special guest came to our English class. Her name was Blanka Budková and the purpose why she came was to tell us her life story.

   Mrs. Budková was born in Vrbová Lhota in 1939. She was the youngest of three sisters. Her father and mother worked on family fields and they all had quiet nice life until the communistic political party took control over our country.

   Her mom committed a suicide, her dad was almost put in prison and her sister Věra was forbbiden to finish The Grammar school in Poděbrady. But even though it was such a hard time for her and her family, she was determinded and fought for her rights to study by sending a letter to president Zápotocký. And in the end everything ended happily.

     I find Mrs. Budková as an intelligent person and I think that she can be a great inspiration to all of us.

                                                                                                                   Petra Březinová


Příprava na jazykovou zkoušku FCE v oblasti psaní (jazyková úroveň B2 dle evropského referenčního rámce).

   Dvě žákyně devátých ročníků jsou přihlášené na jazykovou zkoušku v úrovni B2 do Prahy, kterou skládají na jazykové škole AKCENT v červnu 2016.

    Povinným slohovým útvarem v písemné části zkoušky je esej.

Nela se o ni pokusila na základě přečteného příběhu z internetu. Proto začíná krátkým shrnutím obsahu a přechází do úvahy. 

Faith of a child

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Steve Zikman

Chicken soup for the nature lover's soul

Florida, HCI, 2004

Summary of the story from the Internet

Maura Radcliff is a 13-year-old young cyclist. She has already taken part in a few races and bike adventures but now she's decided to participate in a coast to coast transcontinental ride. Being amongst the youngest and least experienced riders didn't discourage Maura from taking part in the most challenging race of her lifetime. However, her journey ended after she had been hit by a following vehicle. Maura had to overcome two surgeries. As soon as she was fit again, she finished the ride from where she left off. The helpfulness and daringness of physical therapists inspired Maura to become one herself.

Short opinion essay

When I think of successful people, they all have this one trait in common: determination. The same goes with Maura. With her zeal to accomplish the impossible, Maura crossed the USA at the age of thirteen covering 3300 miles. She could have chosen to spend her holiday watching TV or lying on the beach instead but she decided to attempt to finish a transcontinental race and didn't even hesitate. So, was it worth making that effort?

Firstly, the more we try – the better our lives are. After all, our whole perception of the world is based on our experiences. Just like Maura – she decided to try something she had never endeavoured before and broadened her horizons.

On the other hand, some people would argue that life's too short so we are better off doing something that we enjoy than trying to achieve impossible goals. That's what Maura's friends were probably thinking. Those people often distinguish themselves from “over-achievers”.

In my opinion, it is up to each individual whether to make effort or not. People with certain features of their personality tend to be more successful in life than others. Not all efforts are successful, but that doesn´t matter, because we will always gain experiences from our endeavours. Through her faith, Maura has learnt how to face extreme conditions while biking, discovered what her future occupation will be, has seen several states along the way and much more. Maura is an excellent example of the worthiness of our efforts.

Nela Sedláčková, IX. B


Profesní orientace žáků devátých ročníků.

   Pan Krištoufek v hodině angličtiny povyprávěl o využití angličtiny ke studiu a profesnímu rozvoji. Je obdivuhodné, kolik toho bývalý žák pečecké školy stihl do svých 31 let.

   Našim úkolem bylo z poznámek představit hosta v krátkém anglickém textu. Za případné nepřesnosti se mu předem omlouváme.  

   Ladislav Krištoufek visited us at school and spoke about his life. He works as an Assistant professor at Charles University in Prague. He started his studies in Pečky and then he went to Grammar School in Poděbrady and later to Charles University. Now he‘s teaching econometrics.

     He was in London for 6 months at London Metropolitan Business School where he studied economics. He worked in London as a Research Fellow at Warwick Business School.  

    He told us that learning English was hard work but it paid off. According to him, studying English is important because it is a global language which helps us to find a job in the future. Also we can speak and travel easily. I found out that even by watching films in English can improve my level of English as well as reading English books.

    He mentioned that talking with native English speakers was the best thing for him to widen vocabulary. He advised us to join English camps.

    I‘m glad he gave us some advice.                                           Evelin Jedlik, IX.A

     On 3rd February we had special English lessons because we had a guest in our class. The guest was Mr Vladislav Krištoufek who was coming to our school. His English teacher was Mrs Křížová. We started our lesson, we all were speaking only English and our guest introduced himself.   

     While he was at Secondary school in Pečky, he won 1st place in competition of English. And he with his class and their teacher went abroad to improve their English twice. He also got FCE (First Certificate in English) at the age of 16. After he left basic school he studied in Poděbrady at Grammar School (Gymnázium Jiřího z Poděbrad). He told us that he was always interested in Maths and Physics. During summer holidays he visited a camp in Poděbrady where were Americans from Michigan and they were talking a lot. He was learning French too but he always uses English when he is abroad.  

     After high school he went to Czech Academy of Science in Prague where he studied Econometrics. Econometrics is Economy using Math. He took a part in international project called Erasmus and he spent 6 months in London where he was visiting London Metropolitan Business School. He studied Economics in England. He also told us that London is a very cosmopolitan city. You can see people of many different races, nationality and religion. In London he met his girlfriend (later they married) who studied Sport Therapy. She was from the Czech Republic but they met in London, I found it interesting.

     After he finished studies he started to work as an Assistant Professor at The faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague. He tried to live in London for next 6 months and he worked there as a Research Fellow at Warwick Business School. Then he came back to the Czech Republic. Nowadays he lives in Kolín with his wife and 2 sons – Jakub and Filip.

     He had told us his life story and we spoke about London Trip experiences. After 2 hours we had to finish our special English lesson and we went back to our classes.

       Leontýna Kozáková,IX.B        

      Our English group had a meeting with a former student of Mrs Křížová on 3rd February. His name is Vladislav Krištoufek. He was speaking about his life and usage of English.

      Ladislav Krištoufek had been living in Pečky before he moved to Kolín. He lives there with his wife and two sons Jakub and Filip.

      He began his studies at the basic school in Pečky. His teachers there were Mrs Králová, Mrs Plačková, Mrs Buriánová and Mrs Čáslavová. He started learning English in 3rd grade. He took a part in acting for parents, for example in a play Fisherman and his wife. He was reading English books all the time at this school. He tried to learn French language but he usually speaks in English. English was his favourite subject together with Maths. He travelled with Mrs Křížová to Tenby in Wales in 1999. He won several English competitions. When his English group ended studies at the basic school, they gave a flower to Mrs Křížová. She still has it in her classroom. He passed FCE exams after he left this school. He started studying at Grammar School in Poděbrady. He continued to Charles University. He was studying for bachelors, masters and Ph.D. He is going to be a full-time professor. He was studying in Britain for six months and he met his future wife there. She passed IELTS exams. When they married and had children he thought a little bit about living in Britain but eventually they decided to stay in the Czech Republic.

      We performed our London presentation and talked with him in English. He was speaking really well and fast. When I asked him what could he advise to us if we wanted to know English like him, he answered that we should study words more, talk to natives and watch TV films in English and with English subtitles.

      I think that it was a really good and interesting experience. He drew my attention to English and motivated me. 

Eliška Nimburská, IX.B     


  CLIL je metada integrovaného učení, kde nám na vybraném tématu angličtina slouží ke komunikaci. Tím tématem pro nás byl zájezd do Londýna z výzvy č. 56 OPVK.
 Spojili jsme průřezová témata vzdělávacího programu školy se znalostmi světové literatury, zeměpisu, dějepisu, angličtiny a informatiky do prezentace pro rodiče.

CLIL in exploring LONDON watched by the  parents  

  On 18th January we presented our London trip and upcoming events for the last time to our parents in the school canteen. I was speaking about The Globe. My friend Jakub was not there but his parents came to support us. I was really nervous and a bit anxious in front of the audience. My dad and sister liked the whole programme, although just my sister  understood  every word. I am going to try PET for schools exam in June but Iam really afraid of failing. This is why speaking skill  in B1 level is important for me.      

                                                                                                    Petra (Jakub)

   We wanted to show our parents how we speak and write in English before PETexam in Prague. For some parents it was maybe a little bit hard to understand what we were speaking about but I think they were proud of us. I hope we impressed them.                                                       


   I am sure my parents will come to our performance in the spring as they liked the play Canterbury Ghost quite a lot last year.                                                                                                            Sára

   We would like to share our feelings and experience  from the trip to London. We all were so nerous, me too. We are not used to standing in front of so many people. But during the evening we calmed down. 


   We spoke about parks in Týna's presentation. Nikola was walking around with books and leaflets and I worked with the maps.It was difficult but at the same time a nice experience for both of us.

                                                                                                    Nikola, Veronika

   We really liked the evening show. From the three presentations the last one was the best, we think. Did you enjoy it as we did?                                                                                                    Eliška, Pavla

   Napište nám  dojmy z předvedené prezentace nebo náměty pro  společná setkání ve druhém pololetí školního roku:  nebo 

Ohlasy vždy potěší, protože motivují učitele i žáky k výkonům na cestě ke kvalitě ve výuce angličtiny.

Fota naleznete ve Fotogalerii - Anglický jazyk.

Věra Křížová

Prezentace Londýn Prezentace Londýn

Prezentace Londýn                                                                                                                        


                                          Tým autorek příspěvků tohoto čísla

Tým autorek příspěvků

   Ve čtvrtém čísle  elektronického  časopisu  se věnujeme tématu lidských práv a svobod.

   Pracovali jsme metodou integrovaného učení CLIL (spojili jsme  znalosti dějin, informatiky a angličtiny) v rámci průřezových téma výchova demokratického občana a výchova k myšlení v evropských a globálních souvislostech.  

  Nejprve bylo naším úkolem přečíst dvě velmi odlišné literární formy, pochopit jejich obsah,  zaujmout k nim postoj a napsat, proč je autoři napsali, co chtěli čtenářům sdělit pro život v XXI. století.    

Remember Not To Forget

       The article was about a World War II. The story began a Jewish man who sold Menorah to a German tourist. The shopkeeper had a tattoo on his arm. It showed that he had been sentenced to the death. Then the author told us about crime which was made on innocent people.

   Germany had to  pay due to World War I and that is why a hunger broke out there. Adolf Hitler accused Jews of  a  reason of their problems. He humiliated them, soon he declared that Jews were enemies of the state and this was a cause for their death. They didn´t make any crime -   they were Jews. And this was wrong with them, how A. Hitler thought. He had concentration camps built where Jews were murdered together by poison gas. The Nazis established guarded areas which were surrounded by fences – ghettos.

   During World War II six million Jewish men, women and children died. When World War II was over Jewish people returned to their new home Jerusalem where they shared their sorrows. Jews organised Yom Hasoa day when they remember Holocaust. They want to remember not to forget.

      I think that the author wrote this article to show us that everyone is in a danger if somebody like Adolf Hitler appears again. He explained that only Hitler´s will of power caused a horrible world crime where six million people died. Hitler himself broke a law of humanity.

      I think that Jews are afraid of the fact that the history can be repeated ….

Eliška Nimburská

Norman H. Finkelstein

Remember Not To Forget

Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society, 2004

Terrible Things:
An Allegory of the Holocaust

What was the purpose of the writer?  Why did the teacher give me this story?

     I think the writer wants to show us that we should help each other and talk about things which happened. The article is maybe about the people who could do something to stop the terrible things but they didn’t. There was no one who said no in the article. No one protested and groups of animals only cared about themselves. I think they could change something and work together. The teacher gave us this story because she wanted us to look at things differently. The story is written like a fairy tale but it wasn’t only about animals.        Tereza Vaníčková

     I think that one of the reasons is that the author wanted to show us that Terrible things took away creatures because of things that they have or they do. For example, a bird sings and that was the reason why it was taken away. Birds can’t stop singing. They are born to sing.  They can’t change the same is with the religion of humans. She wanted to make us think that Holocaust can happen not only to human race. It does not matter who is the victim of Terrible things. All lives are worth the same. Do we always think what maybe happen every day to animals or nature? And how cruel human race can be?

                                                                                        Leontýna Kozáková

     The animals in the clearing were a metaphor for the people who were living during the World War II. The author doesn´t want us to forget about those people and what have they done wrong so the history will not be repeated. Animals didn´t want to stand by their friends because they feared it could possibly happen to them. In the end, all the animals were taken away because of their fear to stand out to someone stronger and more powerful than they were. I think that the teacher wants us to learn more about the Holocaust and World War II and why did it happen in the first place so we cannot make the same mistake in the future. I think that she had roughly the same purpose as the writer for giving us to read such a story.                                                                                  Nela Sedláčková

Eve Bunting

Terrible things: An Allegory of the Holocaust

Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society, 1989

  Naším dalším úkolem byla četba různých internetových příběhů, ke kterým jsme zaujímali postoje vzhledem k našemu vlastnímu životu  a událostem kolem nás.

One city, two brothers - An essay
        Once upon a time, a wise king Solomon ruled in Jerusalem. His stories could solve people's problems easily. One time he helped two brothers who were arguing about a land. The wise king decided to tell them a story about two brothers.
               Long ago, two brothers lived close to each other and harvested crops together. One day, the older brother got married and started to live a happy family life. The younger brother has never found a woman to share a life with. The older one felt sorry for him, so he decided to give him three sacks from his part without letting him know. But every morning the three sacks were back at his storage. He had no clue what was going on and so did his brother. Then, one bright night, when moon was shining on the path, they met during gifting these sacks to each other. The younger one who was trying to help the older one to feed his family and the older one who was trying to help the younger one with living on his own. Then they both realised how much they loved each other.
               And so did the brothers who were arguing about the land. They just simply realised what is important and what is not.
               But the question is, how is this story attached to the 21st century? And the answer is very simple. People nowdays are still complaining and arguing about properties. They are completely forgetting and giving up on their relationships with others just to get more money or land. What I find more than sad. Because destroying brotherhood or anything else to get more property is definietly not a worth.
               Also I think our world is missing somebody like king Solomon was. He was wise and could solve even the toughest problems without causing any harm. And that is what our world really needs now as well. To solve problems without causing wars.    Petra Březinová, IX.A

Chris Smith

One city,two brothers

Massaschussets, Barefoot Books, 2007 


      I read a story about courageous Rosa Parks. She was a black woman who worked  as a  seamstress. One day when she was returning from a work, she got on the bus. Seats of the bus were separated into three parts there – one of them was for white people, other for blacks and the last section was neutral. Rosa decided to sit in  the  neutral section. Two blacks filled seats opposite her. A driver noticed them and ordered them to leave these seats. Two blacks moved but Rosa stayed there. The driver called police.  Police ordered to exit this bus. But Rosa refused this. Police arrested her. Mrs Robinson with other women didn´t agree with this so they wrote postcards which said that everyone who disagreed with Rosa´s arrest, didn´t use vehicles and walked on foot on Monday. But people were walking a  whole year. Rosa Parks drew people´s attention to racism.

      I think that the author wrote this because he was interested in Rosa´s story. This  event really happened in the history. He wanted to show us that the colour of  our skin doesn´t decide about our life. People shouldn´t deplore others only for  a  reason of  their colour of skin or type. We all are equal. Racism is one of the worst attributes of the human race. It isn´t important how we look but how we behave.

      I really liked this story because I realised Rosa´s courage. She tried to change people´s behaviour to blacks. I was surprised when Mrs Robinson and women made postcards with a challenge and people followed this because they felt for Rosa. We  should learn from this acts. I think that racism, a hatred and an envy are the  biggest enemies nowdays.

Eliška Nimburská

 Giovanni; Bryan Collier


          New York, Square Fish, 2008    

Playing war

    This story was about unhappines of a little boy. One sunny day five kids wanted to play  a game out. They were bored. It was too hot to play basketball so they decided to play the war. Firstly, they divided to the teams – Soldiers and Enemies. And the war started. Suddenly one of the boys Sammer had to go home.

    The next day he told his friends what happened before he moved to the town. When he was at school someone blew up their house. His mother, father and younger brother died. This was a reason why he lived with his aunt and uncle.

    At this moment they were quite with the tears in their eyes. Then Luke suggested to   play basketball because it is too hot to play the war game.

    I think the writer wants to say us not every childhood must be happy. And we should realize it. And the next think of this short story was that we should know our friends better before we say or do something in a wrong way. They didn‘ know Sammer’s family had been killed while he was at school. He had moved to the town  few days before they played the game together. Just for fun.

     Everybody should be glad for the family. Sometimes we don’t appreciate our lives.

     My life was not so different. My mother died when I  was a little girl. She had a car accident.  And when I see how some children talk with their parents I think they don’t undrestand what they have. And they  know nothing about how terrible it was when I lost someone I loved so much.

  Aneta Hubáčková                                                                                             

                                                                                            Beckwith; Lea Lyon

                                                                                                        Playing War

                                                                  Gardiner, Tilbury House Publishers, 2005

    ENGLISH CORNER number 3

   Ve třetím čísle anglického elektronického časopisu chceme prezentovat  studijně - vzdělávací pobyt v Londýně (28. 9. - 4.10. 2015) z výzvy č. 56 OPVK. 

  Jedním z úkolů bylo psát si cestovní deník (dovednost písemně se vyjádřit budeme potřebovat ke složení PET zkoušky v červnu 2016).


Diary from London
Petra Březinová, IX. A
28. 9.- 4.10. 2015

September 28th
   At 11am we had a  meeting in front of our school. We said bye to our parents and got ready for a really long journey to London.

September 29th
   This day was the best for me, though we were so tired after twenty hours in the bus. We saw a lot of historical sights of London such as Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliment, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, St. James’s Park, St. James’s Palace, China Town, Covent Garden nand London Eye. I really enjoyed visiting all of them, but riding The Eye was the best I guess. Me and my friend Anet also tried Fish ‘n‘ Chips which is traditional food of British people. In the mening we finaly met our families. Me and my friend Nela were hosted by a really kind lady Melissa. We went to her mom’s house to eat dinners and breakfasts. She was even nice to us.

September 30th
   In the morning we went to Stratford-upon-Avon where one of the gratest poet was born. I had a short speech about The Globe and Shakespeare’s Birthplace there. I messed up the speech about The Globe, but I had a great oportunity to film the second one next to the bed where Shakespeare was bron. In the afternoon we travelled to Stonehenge which is bunch of stones built in a regular circle and nobody knows how people in prehistory could do that. In the morning we returned back to our families.

October 1st
   Nobody was happy about the plan to go to school. Our teacher was a fine man who forced us to speak aloud in front of everybody by playing games. In the afternoon we should go to the Legoland, but our teacher decided that it would be much more better for us to visit Windsor Castle and I am really glad that she changed the programme for us.

October 2nd
   We went to school again. Today it was much easier to underrstand the teacher, but his accent was still strange. In the afternoon we went to Madame Tussaud’s where I took a lot of pictures with my favorite singers, actors and actresses. I really enjoyed The Spirit Of London ride even though I was afraid I will fall out of my seat. In the evening we filmed a short interview with Melissa for our school project.

October 3rd
   This was our last day of being in the U.K. Firstly we went to the Tower of London. We could see Crown Jewels and interesting stuff. Then we wandered around London, we saw The Globe Theatre, Saint Paul’s Cathedral where I had a speech as well, The Monument which steps made my legs burn and the bridge where Harry Potter was filmed. Then we finally got into our bus.

October 4th
   The way home was long but we all survived.

I really enjoyed the whole trip in the U.K. and I hope I will travel to London again, because I fell in love with that city.


London trip

Eliška Nimburská

   I was in London last week. It was an amazing experience for me. We travelled by bus to London. When we were there, we went around Big  Ben and Westminster Abbey where many famous Kings and Queens are buried. We could see a little piece from Downing Street where David Cameron – the Prime Ministr of the United Kingdom – lives. We walked around St. James´s Palace, St.  James´s Park where a  clear lake glinted and Buckingham Palace – one of houses of the Queen Elizabeth II. We visited Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden and London Transport Museum too. We got into London Eye and had a  nice view of  London. We saw Stratford – Upon – Avon where Shakespeare was born and where he is buried. Then our group got by bus to Stonehenge, Windsor Castle and the Museum Madame Tussaud´s – the museum of wax models of famous characters. We set off to the Tower  of London, Tower Bridge, the Monument of the Great Fire and St. Paul´s Cathedral – it was unforgettable experience for me because of its frescos and Whispering Gallery. We spent nine lessons at school, they were productive for me as I  could review grammar. We got a  certificate last day in our school. I  spent four days in a host family with Jasmine. She was really kind and taught us making real English tea.

  It is very difficult to choose one sight which was the most interesting for me. Finally I chose Windsor Castle where rooms were impressive and unforgettable thanks for its rich decoration. The Windsor Castle was full of history  - I could be a witness of many rooms which described older times and traditions of living.

I´d like to travel to London again in the future, I know that it can be  difficult but I will follow our English teacher´s motto: I can.



   Ve druhém čísle anglického elektronického časopisu zveřejňujeme práci Terezy Vaníčkové, která návštívila zahraniční školu v rámci projektu Comenius (multikulturní výchova v praxi).

    Prezentaci Elišky Drábkové v češtině a Terezy Vaníčkové v angličtině  si můžete prohlédnout v pracovně č. 23. 


Final Comenius meeting in Tata, Hungary

   Final Comenius meeting took place in a large town Tata in Hungary. This project involved six foreign countries – Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Cyprus and The Czech Republic.  Our Czech group travelled by bus from Prague to Budapest where we met our Polish friends and continued to Tata. In Tata we were separated to our families where we spent time when we weren’t with our Comenius group. The school in Tata is private, so parents have to pay a scholarship if their children want to study here. School has small classes with data projectors, sofas and some shelves to put clothes and bags.

   In a week we saw a whole city Tata with beautiful lakes, parks and sights. We visited the capital Budapest and went around Matthias Church, Buda Castle, Parlament, Heroes Square and some museums. We were also invited to Tata’s town hall. At the end we had a  performance for parents.

   I think it was an amazing experience. I explored foreign countries with foreign traditions. I made a lot of new friends. I hope we will see again maybe in The Czech Republic.

Written by Tereza Vaníčková, class 8

2. stupeň

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Dnes je 22.1.2025

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